Michael R. Rebagliati, PhD
Michael joined the Scientific Editing and Research Communication Core in January 2022, and the focus of his editing is the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics. Michael has experience writing and editing both grants (e.g., NIH and AHA) and manuscripts. He earned his PhD from Harvard University and received post-doctoral training at the University of Texas-Austin as well as the NIH (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NICHD). Michael also held several positions as a research scientist (in both the US and Europe), and as an Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology. Much of Michael's research focused on providing insights into the causes of human diseases, in particular congenital diseases, using animal models (Zebrafish, Xenopus). More recently he gained experience in the use of cell culture and BSL-2 models to study viruses such as RSV, Ebola and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).