Friday, August 6, 2021

A new biosketch format went into effect January 25, 2022. Here is a brief guide to help you get your biosketch ready for your next submission.

Changes to Biosketches are slightly different for Fellowship Grants (F-awards and R36) vs all others, such as R01, R21, and R35.

Changes required for non-fellowship biosketches:

Section B:

  • Change title from "Positions and Honors" to "Positions, Scientific Appointments, and Honors"
  • Split into subheadings "Positions and Scientific Appointments" and "Honors"
  • List information in reverse chronological order
  • For "Positions and Scientific Appointments" include positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign, including affiliations with foreign entities or governments.

Section D:

  • Remove entire section
  • Optional: Move any ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years that you would like to highlight to Section A (Personal Statement); these may be presented outside the paragraph.

Changes required for fellowship biosketches:

Section B:

  • Change title from "Positions and Honors" to "Positions, Scientific Appointments, and Honors"
  • Split into subheadings "Positions and Scientific Appointments" and "Honors"
  • List information in reverse chronological order
  • For "Positions and Scientific Appointments" include positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign, including affiliations with foreign entities or governments.

Section D:

  • Change title from "Additional Information: Research Support and/or Scholastic Performance” to “Scholastic Performance”
  • Optional: Move any ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years that you would like to highlight to Section A (Personal Statement); these may be presented outside the paragraph.

Need More Help?

Editing Assistance

  • Unsure how to implement the latest changes to the NIH Biosketch format?
  • Need help with the “Personal Statement, Section A“ or “Contributions to Science, Section C?”
  • Wondering how to best represent your achievements in a Biosketch?

The SERCC editors can help you:

  • Check your Biosketch for compliance with the latest NIH guidelines
  • Improve the clarity and flow of the Personal Statement and Contributions to Science sections
  • Provide tips on how to better highlight the significance of your accomplishments

Contact the SERCC at