NIH has issued its Data Management & Sharing (DMS) policy (effective January 25, 2023) to promote the sharing of scientific data. (Note that the resources described below, both in-house and external, continue to evolve and will thus be updated periodically.)

Tools for creating a DMS Plan

How to write your DMS Plan

  • Brian Westra, Data Services Librarian: A consultation with Brian is the best way to ensure that your DMS Plan is customized to meet NIH expectations, especially if you are unsure which methods are most appropriate for sharing the data types relevant to your study.
  • SERCC Template, Boilerplate Text, and Examples (downloads as Word file): This resource is based on a preliminary DMS Plan template released by the NIH in October 2022. It outlines the information that should be included in DMS Plans and provides examples of how data of a variety of types can be covered. Edit to suit the needs of your project.
  • CCOM Template (downloads as Word file): This bare-bones template is least time-consuming and ideal for those in need of last-minute help compiling their DMS Plan. Edit to suit the needs of your project.
  • CCOM Information about Data Sharing Plans (downloads as Word file), including checklist.

Expectations for DMS Plans

Note, this does not replace the Resource Sharing Plan (more details from the NIH Extramural Nexus). 

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NIH Resources

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