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- Image Integrity: Guidelines for Trainees and Faculty
- Changes to the Review of NIH Grants and Implications for How to Write Them
- An Introduction to NIH RePORT
- Writing a "Relevance to Military Health Statement" for CDMRP Funding Opportunities
- Strategies for Addressing Reviewer Feedback on a Research Proposal
- Addressing Rigor and Reproducibility in NIH Applications
- Telling a Story with Your Science
- Common Pitfalls in Writing NIH Grants
- Writing an Introduction for an NIH Resubmission Application
- Achieving Clear Data Visualization
- Using a Timeline to Write a Grant Proposal
- Writing a Good Cover Letter for Your Next Manuscript Submission
- Let's Chat about ChatGPT
- Using SciENcv to Craft Your Biosketch
- How to Write a Clinical Case Report
- Formatting Tips for Making Your Grant Reader Friendly
- Securing Funding with help from the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP)
- How to Write with Your Reader in Mind
- Resources for Writing an NIH Data Management Sharing Plan
- What Can the UI Research Foundation Do for You?
- Resources for Scientific Writing
- Updating your Biosketch to Meet NIH Requirements
- Designing Helpful Schematic Figures
- Strategies for Writing the Approach Section of an NIH Proposal
- The Advantages of Contacting Your NIH Program Official
- Writing the Innovation Section of an NIH Proposal
- Strategies for Writing the Significance Section of an NIH Proposal
- Writing a Title for a Research Article