The Scientific Editing and Research Communication Core helps researchers succeed with their funding efforts and scholarship by providing in-depth advice on how to maximize the clarity of scientific documents. We are scientists with advanced degrees, and the detailed editorial review we offer is based on extensive experience in both laboratory research and editing of scientific content. Multiple levels of feedback are offered.


Learn more about our staff by clicking on their picture.


Christine Blaumeller

Christine M. Blaumueller, PhD

Director, Senior Scientific Editor and Writing Consultant
Jennifer Barr

Jennifer Y. Barr, PhD

Assistant Director, Senior Scientific Editor and Writing Consultant
Heather Widmayer

Heather A. Widmayer, MS, MBA

Senior Scientific Editor and Writing Consultant
Michael Rebagliati

Michael R. Rebagliati, PhD

Scientific Editor and Writing Consultant

Scientific Editing Interns

Individuals who have contributed actively to the editing of projects submitted to the core – their contributions have been included in feedback to our authors.

Current Intern

SERCC Intern

Emma Brandt

Scientific Editing Intern

How to Contact Us

To request our editing services, please use our Schedule an Editing Project form. We will contact you about a timeline within one business day.

Questions can be directed to the core or the editors directly or at:

Monthly SERCC Newsletter

Interested in tips and resources on writing grants and research articles? Our newsletters will include updates to NIH requirements, announcements about our custom grant-writing templates, and useful resources for scientific writing.

Who We Serve

The SERCC helps researchers succeed with their funding efforts and scholarship by providing in-depth advice on how to maximize the clarity of scientific documents.

Learn more about our past Scientific Editing Interns

Kshitija Kale

  • CCOM Scientific Editing Intern, June 2024–September 2024, while a PhD student in the Experimental Pathology Graduate Program

Nicole Recka

  • CCOM Scientific Editing Intern, February 2024–May 2024, while a PhD student in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Cami Hippee

  • CCOM Scientific Editing Intern, June 2023–September 2023, while a PhD student in the Microbiology and Immunology Department

Ryan Betters, PhD

  • CCOM Scientific Editing Intern, October 2022–February 2023, while a PhD student in the Iowa Neuroscience Graduate Program
  • Subsequently Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Department of Neurosciences, University of New Mexico

Kelly Messingham, PhD

  • CCOM Scientific Editing Intern, September  2017–January 2018
  • Research Associate Professor, UI Department of Dermatology

Marie Gaine, PhD

  • CCOM Scientific Editing Intern, June 2017–September 2017, while Research Scientist, Iowa Neuroscience Institute
  • SERCC Assistant Editor, 2017–2020
  • Subsequently Assistant Professor, UI Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics

Jennifer Y Barr, PhD

  • Scientific Editing Intern June 2015–June 2017, while Postdoctoral Scholar, UI Department of Pediatrics
  • Subsequently Core Facility Research Specialist, UI Scientific Editing and Research Communication Core (SERCC)

Jennifer Levy, PhD 

  • Scientific Editing Intern Fall 2015, while Associate at UI Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
  • Subsequently Scientific Director, Coalition to Cure Calpain3, Westport, CT

Monali Sawai, PhD

  • Scientific Editing Intern Spring 2010
  • Subsequently freelance editor, Iowa City, IA

Scientific Writing Interns

Individuals who have participated in seminars and courses taught by core staff, and have obtained some experience editing but who have not contributed directly to feedback to our authors.

Andreea Silaghi

  • Scientific Writing Intern Fall 2014, while Fogarty Scholar at UI College of Public Health
  • Subsequently Masters degree candidate/Graduate Researcher at Cluj School of Public Health, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania